Всем привет!
Ещё 8 сентября я вернулась из Италии, где провела чудесные 10 дней, и теперь я всё-такие нашла в себе силы вернуться к блогу :) Поэтому я, пожалуй, начну с моих итальянских новичков. А именно - 10 штучек Pupa, 6 Kiko, 11 красавчикв Rimmel и ещё несколько.
Hi all!
More than 2 weeks ago I came home from Italy where I spent really great time, and now I'm ready to return to blog. So let's start with my fantastic haul :)
Well, Kiko is the brand that I love because it has a huge assortment and precious colors. Here is 6 polishes - 3 from core collection, 1 Mirror polish and 2 from Dark Heroine - autumn 2013 collection.
258 Rosa Malva - 300 Verde Malachite Perlato - 356 Melone |
258 - pretty lilac base with white shimmer dust
300 - bold blue shimmer
356 - yellow-y orange creme, like melon :)
Mirror 625 Emerald - Laser 433 Goth Purple - 435 Venom Teal |
625 - sea green metallic
433 - dark purple-gold-green polychrome
435 - teal-green-violet polychrome
Check out the gorgeous shimmers and reflects in this pretties! From top to bottom: 258 - 300 - 433 - 435
Next will be my beloved Rimmel's :) Shame on them - they have just released new line with Lycra, and I still haven't all polishes from previous :D Well, I thought that I wouldn't buy any from this line, but since the colors are so pretty and ass-kicking, I decided to get 4 :)
321 Summer Orange - 601 Oliver Twist - 620 Someone Like Blues - 623 Bethnal Green
321 - bright orange creme, a bit neon
601 - forest green base with large lighter green shimmer
620 - blue metallic
623 - fresh green base with golden shimmer
And shimmers :D 601 and 623
So, how I can go on without any new 60 Seconds?
601 Lush Lavender - 801 Diamond In The Sky - 820 Headbanging Green - 841 Singing De Blues - 848 Headbanging Blue |
601 - nice pinkish lavender creme
801 - mint creme with white subtle shimmer (top)
820 - green metallic
841 - rich blue base with blue and purple shimmer (bottom)
848 - sky blue metallic
And 2 other Rimmels:
Lycra Pro 361 Mermaid Green - dark green shimmer; already discontinued
Metal Rush 070 Royal Blue - violet-golden-green-blue polychrome
So let's go on with another lovely brand - Catrice. I caught 2 already discontinued colors from their renew line and I must say that they're really pretty!
32 In The Armee Glow - 34 Squeeze Me |
Sorry but I don't want to describe them - just check next photos :)
3 different polishes:
Max Factor Max Effect 32 Cactus Green - rich green creme; I'm so happy to find this boy at last shop on my way:)
Essence Fantasia LE 03 Take A Ride On Pegasus - precious light pinky burgundy with blue and purple shimmer, soooo cool! You also can see it below.
Layla Mirror Effect 08 Black As Ebony - dark grey metallic; it's the greatest bargain - I got it just for 4,44 euro!!!
And the last part of my huuuge haul - italian jewels - Pupa polishes.
501 - 514 - 703 - 709 - 713 |
501 Arancio Perlato - orange shimmer with golden reflect
514 Pearly Lemon - yellow base with yellow and pink shimmer (spring 2013 LE)
703 Blu Ultra Pearlato - dark blue base loaded with silver large shimmer
709 Verde Acido Pastello - dusty lime creme (autumn 2010 LE)
713 Marine Water - light blue creme with subtle green undertone (extremely rare - summer 2011 LE)
717 - 718 - 723 - 730 - 732 |
717 Fluo Green - bright turquiose green creme, but came more aqua on photo
(summer 2010 LE)
718 Fluo Blue - bold cobalt blue creme (summer 2010 LE)
723 Verde Marmo - bottle green creme (autumn/winter 2011 LE)
730 Afro Iridescent - blue-green-gold polychrome (spring 2012 LE)
732 Pearly Green - base color is very close to 717, but it contains white shimmer and became more aqua on photo too (spring 2013 LE)
Last 2 polishes to see the shimmers: